Friday, July 31, 2009

Home Sweet Home part II

I wouldn't quite say we are completely settled in yet, but we are definitely "home"! We promised ourselves that once we were moved in and all finished we would spend a whole day at home relaxing on the couch....(as much relaxing as one can do with a 2 & a half year old and a new baby).... and last Sunday we finally did it! We stayed home all day, relaxed, watched the footy, played with our boys and didn't worry about going to Bunnings or shops to buy things for the house or anywhere!!!!!! It was BLISSSSS.....Here are some more house pictures of finished product...they are a bit all over the place but you get the picture...

This is the "formal lounge" fact our 2 yr old has comandeered it as his play room and I am also using it as a quasi nursery for the baby as it is much closer to our bedroom than the nursery....eventually we will put nice couches here and this is also going to be the christmas tree room....we were going to carpet it but decided to put the timber floor in and just get a large (3.6x3.6) piece of carpet as a rug.

Walk in robe for master bedroom - it looks so much smaller in the picture....can't get the camera angle right....oh and excuse the mess...still sorting everything out ;)

Master bedroom...our bed looks so small in such a large room, we have to get more furniture!

Ensuite (yes we still need towel racks - add to list)


Open living & dining area

Cooking is such a pleasure in my new kitchen!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Home Sweet Home

No time to write - here are updated pictures of our home...most were taken before everything was finished...we have been living here for 5 weeks now and it is heaven!! Still lots to do, particularly outside, but we are waiting until the weather is better and until our new baby (8 weeks old!) gets into more of a routine...

Front entry feature

Formal lounge

Shower base & bath in kids bathroom

waterproofing membrane in ensuite shower

Side yard with exposed ag finished... we had it done at the front and the driveway as well

Kids bedroom

Almost finished kitchen with walk in pantry (it's huge!!) & Close up of finished kitchen!

Main family room!

There's lots to write about, overall we are very pleased with our build and we came in well and truly within budget...I could tell you all about it now but alas no time to put fingers to keyboard...need to sleep instead :)
Happy Building
(p.s. YES we would do it all over again !!)

Friday, January 30, 2009

The roof is on!!

And the electrician has finished his rough in....we are virtually at lock up, chippie is working this weekend to do the final touches! Plasterer will begin next week!! Here are some more pics...