The preliminary stages and planning has been done and we are glad to be going OB as we have such flexibility in what we choose and how we go about it. We have done so much research to date and most weekends we go to a display home or showroom or something similar!! The downside is that it is taking up considerable time and I am missing out on things like reading a good book or just veggin in front of the tele - most evenings are spent researching (on or googling everything! The past couple of nights I have been doing up facade options so we can tell what our house will look like!! Next post I will put up what I came up with.
Basically prelim stages were:
Complete final drawings inc engineering
Demolition (inc permit)
Owner Builder permit
Arrange finance
Appoint Surveyor
Get Building Permit (inc council dispensation due to setback issues)
Arrange Insurance
Get Temporary Fence delivered
Site signs
Arrange Portable loo
Site Set out
PIC concent from the water authority (to tap into sewer)
All of the above of course involve $$$, so we are in for a penny now!!
Anyway...the plumber started a couple of weeks ago and we now have sewer drainage complete. The electrician laid the electrical trench after the plumber kindly dug it out for us (for a slab of course!!) We were a little unlucky to hit some rock throughout the process, but it wasn't too bad, we were out by around $1100 for rock removal and disposal which we think is reasonable compared to our poor neighbours who hit 40 cubic meters!!!
Pictures of our site so far:
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